Beer vs. Vodka: What’s the Difference?

Beer vs Vodka

Both beer and vodka are alcohol beverages. However, they are as different as chalk and cheese. One is fermented while the other is distilled. One has little alcohol by volume (ABV) content, while the other has a high ABV. Though both beer and vodka are popular worldwide, there are still plenty of differences between them. This … Read more

Soju vs. Vodka: What’s the Difference?

Soju vs. Vodka

Soju and vodka are like two cousins from different countries – they’re from the same family but with a twist. Both drinks are distilled liquors that can be drank in shots, mix well with other drinks, and can even be used for food.   Soju is a clear Korean spirit originally made from fermented rice. When … Read more

Rubbing Alcohol vs. Vodka: What’s the Difference?

Rubbing Alcohol vs. Vodka

The majority of people around the globe use rubbing alcohol as primary disinfectant. However, has it ever crossed your mind to use vodka instead? Before we dig deeper on that question, let’s answer: What is the main difference between rubbing alcohol and vodka? Generally, rubbing alcohol is made up of 70% isopropanol in water, while vodka … Read more

What’s the Difference Between Johnnie Walker Labels?

Difference Between Johnnie Walker Labels

What do the difference Johnnie Walker Labels tell us about the quality of these products? To answer this question straight: Johnnie Walker is a blended scotch whiskey, which means any of its variants is a blend of multiple whiskeys. That said, any assertion given as to the quality of different labels is, to say the least, … Read more

What Does Gin Taste Like?

What Does Gin Taste Like

Gin can be your favorite summer drink, cocktail base, or your socializer drink. It’s juniper-based and has a piney and biting tang. The taste is like tonic, which is why these two beverages go together well. Read the label on the aromatics included when buying. The many ways aromatics are combined result to a diverse selection … Read more

Moonshine vs. Vodka: What’s the Difference?

Moonshine vs Vodka

Many people are confused about Moonshine and Vodka because they are both highly proofed, clear spirits made from grains or scratches. However, these two drinks have significant differences. The first difference is in the legality of these two spirits. Vodkas are legal in most countries, but that is not the case for Moonshine because it is … Read more

Best Bottled Water to Drink for Health

best bottled water to drink for health

The best bottled water to drink for health is clean and safe, and also tastes great and comes with a healthy ph level. Safe means that the water has been cleared of stuff like bacteria and microorganisms. Filtering may also remove metallic content (chlorine, fluorine, etc) if that is preferred by the consumer. We scoured the market to … Read more

Why Does Aquafina Water Not Freeze?

Why Does Aquafina Water Not Freeze

There are people who have been misled by claims that Aquafina Water does not freeze. The claims have been circulating around the internet for quite a while now. Let’s get it straight. The question Why Doesn’t Aquafina Water Freeze is nothing but just a silly question. In school, we have learned that all water in this planet will freeze … Read more

Does Vodka Go Bad?

Does Vodka Go Bad

You might wonder, does vodka go bad? Fortunately, vodka is a hard liquor that underwent a distilling process. It does not spoil unless it is improperly stored. Like other hard liquors, vodka has a long shelf life. You can leave them in your kitchen cabinet for a couple of years and they would still be fine. In this … Read more

How Long Does Bottled Water Last?

how long does bottled water last

If you are wondering how long bottled water lasts, then you’re not alone. To put it bluntly, it is not actually the water that expires, but the plastic bottle container. Bottled water usually lasts for about 1-2 years. Bottled water stored in a cool, dry, and secure environment typically lasts longer than its expiration date. Another tip … Read more